Thursday, February 4, 2016

Wild Wild West Contemporary Art by Amanda Smith and Laurie Justus Pace

Experience the power of the west as it brings together two unique artists in their first annual Wild Wild West Contemporary Art Show. Worldwide acclaimed photographer, Amanda Smith Wyoming, is hosting the show at her gallery/studio in Glenrock, Wyoming; introducing to the west, internationally collected Texas Equine Artist, Laurie Justus Pace.

The Show captures the heart of the west featuring the cowboy, the horse and the land. Through her photography, Amanda explores simple compositions woven throughout the west as well as the portraits of those living the life. Laurie reigns in the energy and passion of the story with colors bursting across her canvas. Her exceptional approach to express the movement and beauty revolves around her use of the palette knife with thick buttery oils.

Amanda Smith Wyoming Photographer on Photographing Winter in Wyoming

Photography in winter can be, lets be honest... COLD..., as in frigid cold.... especially in Wyoming.  The winds blow on a regular basis, and that means the snow moves, a lot.  This isn't really a bad thing for photography, save for the brown spots that are quickly uncovered when the snow is moved around.  Having said that, there are still beautiful moments that can and should be captured on "film."  I happened upon these Wyoming Snow caps while assisting my husband with moving our cattle.  I always try to bring my camera along, even though circumstances that arrive with moving cattle, might not allow me to take it out and shoot.  The cattle were moving so beautifully in a fabulous straight line that morning, that I decided to scout out a draw that we were near.  That's when I saw these magnificent snow caps!

As my husband rode on up ahead, ensuring that the cows all stayed together, I stole a few precious moments and dropped down into the draw, so that I could quietly photograph the snow caps above me, from down below, at an upward angle.  They were amazing, and the winds were blowing wisps of snow at the tippy tops of each snow cap in such a fashion, that it was absolutely mesmerizing!

I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I enjoyed creating them! They are also available in my newest calendar for 2016 titled Winter in Wyoming, by Amanda Smith Wyoming Photographer.

Snow Cap in Black and White by Amanda Smith Wyoming Photographer
Snow Cap in Black and White by Amanda Smith Wyoming Photographer
Snow Cap Mid-Drift in Color by Amanda Smith Wyoming Photographer
Snow Cap Mid-Drift in Color by Amanda Smith Wyoming Photographer